Make an appointment for yourself on a Wednesday and bring a friend – their first appointment will be FREE!
Change of Seasons
It’s almost spring. It kind of is already, right? The stillness of winter is giving way to movement and growth. While there’s much to celebrate for those of us who cherish the warmth of the sun and the greening of the land, there are bodily health aspects to be aware of and to tend in this transitional season.
Chinese medicine’s five element theory holds that different parts of the year promote specific energies in our bodies and minds, therefore call upon specific kinds of care for our individual health and for our communities. Spring is associated with the wood element. Its related organs are the liver and gallbladder. In balance, the wood element within us is expansive, supple, tender, creative and connecting; assuring the smooth flow of qi. In disharmony, it is restrictive, hard, inflexible, and isolating.
Wood energy is about protecting yourself and your community through natural, sustainable growth. Acupuncture is a great tool for accentuating this energy. (Ask me about my favorite liver and gallbladder meridian points next time you’re here.)
木 | mù | wood
represents growth
During this time of chaos in the world at large, we can send our roots deeper and hold on to each other. While we tend to the suffering around us, we can also take care of our own well-being. And we invite you to find that care in community.
Thank you for being part of the community here at Kindred Community Acupuncture. We are immensely grateful to be able to help you heal and fortify yourself.