Kindred Job Opening: design/marketing/outreach

Kindred is seeking a skilled designer and digital media specialist to expand the scope of our current marketing and outreach efforts, and to build new marketing infrastructure to help us move from a successful start-up in our first year to a thriving and sustainable, local institution.

You have experience with graphic design, dgital/social media support-building. You also have good to exceptional person-to-person communication skills. You are able to be self-motivated as well as to work collaboratively. Tasks may include the design and production of outreach and publicity materials, design of signage connected to our building and visible at street level, the building and maintenance of newsletter and consistent social media presence, the production of short videos about community acupuncture and our clinic.

The work is part-time, between 3 and 5 hours a week, which can be set or flexible. The pay is commensurate with experience. The working environment is relaxed, where you will work independently at times, and sometimes along with the small group of founders of Kindred.


Open xmas eve, new years eve, and new year's day! Holiday treatment specials

We will be open Christmas eve. That's a Sunday, from 10 am until 1 pm. We're also open on New Year's eve and New Year's Day for our normal hours.

We know it's especially hard to put yourself and your health first this time of year. And, because of that, we'd love to see you even more. Come in between now and January First and buy a 4 pack for 50 dollars, to be used before 2/2/18.

Also, to encourage your friends and family to come along with you, we are offering 2-for-1 treatments every Thursday and Friday in January.


Kindred meets the Governor. Shortened hours for Thursday, Nov 16th.

This Thursday, November 16th, KIndred will be open limited hours as Gayle and Korben will participate in a gathering with all recipients of the Commerce RI Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) and with Governor Gina M. Raimondo. They will get to meet some of the other small businesses, including at least one in Pawtucket, who received help from The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, and (in our case) The Center for Women and Enterprise. This will be an opportunity to spread the word about community acupuncture to not only other small businesses, but hopefully to the Governor and her staff.


Our hours for Thursday, November 16th are as follows.

9 am to 9:30 am, and 12 to 2:00 pm



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Kindred is OPEN on Labor Day





We will be open from 2pm - 7pm and happy to treat all those taking care of their health over the long weekend, recovering from work (we know not everyone gets weekends and holidays off) and recharging after being unified in the streets with neighbors, friends and family.

We are proud to support and stand/sit/be in spirit with those marching in the Labor's Day, Anti-Racist Labor Day March and Rally. Please join those standing up for the rights of workers AND an end to racism as the movement for labor rights and justice continue pushing forward. 


Join us for a night of fun as we celebrate the launch of Kindred Community Acupuncture! We will have:
-- Live Music - Activities for Kids - Yummy Food - Refreshments - Kindred Merch - Clinic Tours - Patient Sign-up Forms - AND....

Pick-up Your Perks from our Crowdfunding Campaign!

We hope you'll join us in warming our beautiful new space and building a powerful, rooted community of healing. Our clinic will be open for treatments on Saturday, July 1st.

RSVP at the event's Facebook page.